Pack 770's
Home Page
About Us
Calendar of Events
Camp Manatoc
Community Service
Basics & Bobcat
Tiger 1st Grade
Wolf 2nd Grade
Bear 3rd Grade
Webelo 4th/5th Grade
Pinewood Derby
Raingutter Regatta
U.S. Flag and More
Scouting History
American Legion Post

Cub Scout Pack 770
(Parma, Ohio)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login


Pack 770 where you're NOT just a number

**Pack 770 events are Temporarily suspended due to Covid. Stay tuned to this page**

Scouts 1st -5th grade can startat any grade.  Just because you missed a year or two doesn't mean you can't start today!

Pack 770 is a "traditional" pack for boys but unlike many packs we do require a parent or guardian to attend all meetings/events.  Pack 770 believes Cub Scouts is about making memories with the family and participation from a parent or grand parent is required to make for a fun and safe the scouting experience.

Bookmark our page and return regularly for updates

2019/2020 Events

 Manatoc Camping Trip

 Candy Dispenser 

 String Art and History

 Christmas Parade

 Election Day Fund raiser for the Parma Animal Shelter

 Annual Veterans Dinner Appreciation

 Pumpkin Carving Challenge.  No knives

 Annual Survival Challenge. Parents vs. Scouts who will build a better shelter?

Website Updated Regularly

07/13/20- Correct website issues and updated information
03/30/20- Cub scouting suspended until further notice **COVID-19** Stay safe!
03/06/20- Added Pictures from Camping Trip
01/28/20- Added "Random act ofKindness" 
01/15/20- Updated Derbyinformation
01/01/20- Added New yearmessage
01/05/19- Updated information
12/24/19- Added HolidayMessage
12/20/19- Added Holiday party pictures
12/11/19- Added picturesfrom parade
11/27/19- Added picture of movie night
11/25/19- Added pictures fromcamping
11/13/19- Added pictures from Veterans Dinner
11/06/19- Buddy Wonupdated
10/30/19- Added pictures of Candy dispenser
10/17/19- Addedpumpkin pictures
10/02/19- Updated Election Dayevent
09/25/19- Added Election Day event
09/17/19- Added today's event
09/03/19- Added welcome St.Anthony
08/19/19- Add projects and PDF Safescouting