GSCM Troop 3125 is
located in the "Hereford Zone" and is part of the Girl Scouts of
Central Maryland. We are a multilevel troop with girls of all ages.
Generally, the various levels of the troop meet at different times;
however, sometimes we participate in trips or activities as one large
troop. All levels are very active! We love to take field trips, camp,
travel and participate in/organize a good service project!
Our various troop levels generally meet twice a month on select Friday
evenings. Meetings start times range from 5:00PM to 6:30 PM and end
around 8:00PM. Most meetings are 1.5 hours in length, but as the girls
get older, select meetings may run longer depending upon the activity on
which the girls are working.
If you are interested in joining our troop, please send us an email! We would love to hear from you.