My name is Ean Quarne, I am the president of Crew 9701 and an Eagle Scout. I believe that scouting offers a great opportunity for individuals to grow as a leader, to push your boundaries, and try new and exciting things. Venturing Crew is the next step in scouting and is open to anyone from the age of 14 to 21 years old. Venturing is a scout lead program. As the president, I am responsible for all our activities. All other members help facilitate activities as well. Think of the President as the Scoutmaster/SPL mixed together.
Our Crew offers high adventure: some examples
Zip Lining in the mountains
White Water Rafting
Sleeping in a Light House
Eating new and interesting foods - like chicken hearts and hatch potatoes
Constructing our trailer
My goal as president is to help our members have an enjoyable experience while balancing fun and excitement with rank advancements and service.
Our Crew learns a lot of skills- physically (outdoor activities, motorsports, camping, etc.), mentally (planning, budgeting, team building, etc.) and giving back to the community (service projects, working events, building birdhouses, mentoring, restoring a lighthouse, etc.). If you have any interest in joining, please email me at equarne@yahoo.com We would love to see you join our Crew - all are welcome!
Ean Quarne